
20 points!! I need helpA rectangular pool is surrounded by a walk 3 meters wide. The pool is 5 meters longer than its width. If the total area of the pool and walk is 387 square meters more than the area of the​ pool, find the dimensions of the pool.

Accepted Solution

Answer:11.33 * 16.33 meters to the nearest hundredth.Step-by-step explanation:Let the width of the pool be x meters, then the length is x+5 meters.The length of whole area = x + 5 + 2(3)  = x + 11 meters and the width is x + 2(3) = x + 6 meters.So we have the equation (x + 6)(x + 11) = 387. x^2 + 17x + 66 = 387x^2 + 17x - 321 = 0x =  [-17 +/- sqrt (17^2 - 4*1*-321)] / 2x = 11.33 metersSo the width is 11.3 m and the length is 16.33 meters.